#1 TEXA Direct Dealer

Kisst Diagnostics is the #1 TEXA Direct Dealer in the United States. We pride ourselves on selling the best TEXA diagnostic products at the best prices. When you buy from us you aren’t buying from “another company”. You are buying diagnostic tools from a diagnostic tech that actually uses the products in the field.

We Have the Best Deals

Fill out the form to get the best deals on the TEXA Products you need.

What Is A TEXA Direct Dealer?

A TEXA Direct Dealer is a company that is vetted and approved by TEXA to offer their products directly to consumers. It is different from a TEXA Dealer or a company who sells TEXA products indirectly. TEXA Direct Dealers have access to special promotions and can customize their products to fit your exact needs. We pride ourselves on being the #1 TEXA Direct Dealer in the United States. We leverage our real world experience using TEXA diagnostic tools as techs to help you find the best tool to fit your needs. Contact us to get a customized package. 

Texa Direct Dealer

Diagnostic Solutions For Every Industry

We recognize that each industry has its unique challenges and requirements. That’s why we work closely with our clients to develop customized diagnostic strategies that align with their specific needs.

Why Choose Us As Your TEXA Direct Dealer?

Kisst Diagnostics isn’t just another diagnostic product sales company. As a tech we have used most of the diagnostic tools on the market to try and diagnose issues with machinery. We ran into issue after issue with the diagnostic tools we purchased and wanted something better to use. We eventually ended up purchasing a TEXA diagnostic tool and never went back. We found it to be the best diagnostic tool on the market. It allowed us to operate on everything we needed to, lasted longer than other tools, and was more efficient. That is why we became a TEXA Direct Dealer. We wanted to be able to help other companies find a better diagnostic tool for their business. When you buy a TEXA product from us you are buying from a tech that actually uses the same product in the field. We can help you find the best TEXA diagnostic tool to fit your exact needs. Contact us today. 

Texa Bike Premium Diagnotic Bundle

Special Deals On TEXA Diagnostic Tools

As a TEXA Direct Dealer we have access to special deals that they periodically put out. These deals are exclusive to TEXa Direct Dealers. If you want to stay up to date on their special offers contact us. We will always do our best to get you the best deals possible on TEXA Diagnostic Products. 


What Industries Do TEXA Diagnostic Tools Work With

TEXA is one of the leading providers of diagnostic tools in the United States. They have tools that work in every environment. If you work on cars, trucks, semis, construction equipment, agricultural equipment, bikes, boats, or other off road equipment they have a solution for you. 

Navigator TXT Multihub

Get The Best TEXA Products At The Best Prices

We put a lot of effort into making sure we offer the best prices available on TEXA products. You won’t find better products or tools for a better price than what we offer. As a TEXA Direct Dealer we can customize any of the diagnostic tools that we sell to fit your exact needs. Contact us if you need help selecting the right equipment.